Arlene McCain, MD
Dr. Arlene McCain is committed to partnering with individuals as they discern personal motivations for healthy change and passionately supports their inspired progress towards a thriving life.
She is dedicated in creating safe spaces where health and healing can occur. It’s only when we feel safe that we can touch the hurting places with love. It’s only when we persevere in the hard work of re-integrating mind-heart-body-spirit that deep, lasting healing occurs.

Additional Resources

Book: Embrace Grace, New Medicine for a Wounded World
A safe space for inner healing. Dr. McCain’s award-winning book provides a glimpse into her journey of healing and invites readers to reflect upon their own healing journeys.
Nautilus Book Award Winner

Podcast: Physicians, Heal
A safe space for physician healing. Dr. Arlene McCain and Dr. Jason Asistores co-created this podcast to share stories of physician burnout and healing.
2022 Award Winner - The Positive Change PodCast Awards
1st Place - Faith Based (Spirituality & Medicine)
1st Place - Health & Wellness (Medicine)
1st Place - Religion & Spirituality

Podcast: DPC Rocks
Dr. Arlene McCain, shares various perspectives on the benefits of DPC. What is direct primary care? A membership model of primary care that focuses on the patient-physician relationship.